Wen Dan Pian

American Healing Technologies

$ 16.00

Encourage & Calm Shen Tablet

Common Indications of Gallbladder vacuity and Qi timidity, Phlegm-Fire harassing the Heart, stagnation of Gallbladder affecting the Stomach, causing accumulation of phlegm-Heat in the interior: Nausea, heartburn, gastric discomfort with acid regurgitation, palpitation, insomnia, nightmare, bitter taste in the mouth.

Ingredients: Chen Pi - Tangerine; Ban Xia - Pinellia; Zhu Ru - Bamboo; Zhi Shi - Bitter Orange; Fu Ling - Poria; Zhi Gan Cao - Prepared Licorice; Gan Jiang - Dried Ginger; Da Zao - Jujube 

No Health claims or other representations, herbal products are food supplements. All statements made describing all products that are sold and or distributed by Ancient Healing have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. All herbal products sold by Ancient Healing are not meant to treat, cure or prevent disease. Under no circumstances does Ancient Healing imply that any (all) products and formulas are meant to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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