Peaceful Sleep Pills
Common indicators of qi and blood deficiency: insomnia with anxiety, excessive-thinking, poor memory, mental exhaustion
Ingredients:Di Huang -shu (Rehmannia Root (Prepared) Rehmannia glutinosa; Radix Praep. 10.00%, Bai Zi Ren Platycladus orientalis; Semen 10.00%, Yuan Zhi (Polygala Root) Polygala spp.; Radix Praeparata 10.00%, Jie Geng (Platycodon Root) Platycodon grandiflorum; Radix 9.70%, Suan Zao Ren (Jujube) Ziziphus jujuba spinosa; Semen 8.00%, Chen Pi (Tangerine Peel) Citrus reticulata; Pericarpium 7.40%, Dang Gui (Chinese Angelica Root) Angelica sinensis; Radix 5.50%, Dang Shen (Codonopsis Root) Codonopsis spp.; Radix 5.50%, Huai Shan / Shan Yao (Chinese Yam) Dioscorea oppositiflora; Radix 5.50%, Gan Cao (Licorice Root) Glycyrrhiza spp.; Radix 5.50%, Xuan Shen (Scrophularia Root) Scrophularia ningpoensis; Radix 5.50%, Mai Men Dong (Ophiopogon Root Tuber) Ophiopogon japonicus; Radix 5.50%, Bai Zhi (Fragrant Angelica Root) Angelica dahurica; Radix 4.50%, Shi Chang Pu (Grass-leaf Sweetflag Rhizome) Acorus gramineus; Rhizoma 4.50%, Wu Wei Zi (Schisandra Fruit) Schisandra chinensis; Fructus 2.90%
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