Golden Cabinet Kidney Formula
Common indicators of chronic deficiency of kidney yang and qi: low back pain or weakness, weak knees, coldness in low back or knees.
WARNING: May be too warming in cases with stomach heat or fire. Discontinue if stomach pain develops.
Ingredients: Di Huang -shu (Rehmannia Root (Prepared) Rehmannia glutinosa; Radix Praep. 30.00%, Huai Shan / Shan Yao (Chinese Yam) Dioscorea oppositiflora; Radix 15.00%, Shan Zhu Yu (Asiatic Dogwood Fruit) Cornus officinalis; Fructus 15.00%, Fu Ling (Poria; Hoelen; Tuckahoe) Poria cocos; Sclerotium 11.00% Ze Xie (Asian Water Plantain Rhizome) Alismatis orientalis; Rhizoma 11.00%, Mu Dan Pi (Tree Peony Root Bark) Paeonia suffruticosa; Cortex 10.00%, Rou Gui (Cassia Bark) Cinnamomum cassia; Ramulus 4.00%, Fu Pian (Bai) (Sichuan Aconite Root (Prepared) Aconitum carmichaelii; Radix Praep. 4.00%
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